Elisabeth O. Burgess
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Professor Gerontology, Sociology- Education
Ph.D., University of Southern California
M.A., University of Southern California
B.S., Old Dominion University
- Specializations
Sexuality and relationships over the life course, including issues of sexuality and intimacy for older adults; aging families and intergenerational relationships; long term care and quality of care; and perceptions of aging, stereotypes, and ageism.
- Biography
In 1997 Dr. Burgess started working Georgia State as an Assistant Professor in Sociology with an affiliate appointment in Gerontology. As the Gerontology Institute grew, she shifted more of her effort to gerontology and in 2009 Dr. Burgess became Director of the Gerontology Institute. She continues to hold joint appointments as Professor of Gerontology and Sociology. She also is an affiliate of the Institute of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Trained as a sociologist, Dr. Burgess has always had an interdisciplinary research and teaching agenda. Her work emphasizes where people are socially located (e.g. assisted living facilities) and how that location influences their experiences and relationships. Dr. Burgess is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.
An active researcher, Dr. Burgess’ research has been supported by National Institute on Aging and has appeared in numerous journals including Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Journal of Aging Studies, and Journal of Marriage and Families. Additionally, Dr. Burgess is co-editor (with Dr. Stombler, Banauch, Simonds, and Windsor) of a Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader now in its fifth edition, published by W. W. Norton. Her work is highly collaborative and she values partnerships with colleagues at GSU in Gerontology, Sociology, and other departments and with many scholars at other institutions, including former students. In her role as director, Dr. Burgess enjoys the opportunity to explore to the diverse perspectives for studying aging and older adults. Furthermore, she works to strengthen ties to Gerontology Alumni and build new partnerships for internships, research, and teaching.
- Publications
Bender, A. A. & Burgess, E. O. (2019) Constructing Recovery Narratives: Experiences and Expectations Following Spinal Cord Injury. Rehabilitation Nursing Journal. Published Online in advance of text:
https://journals.lww.com/rehabnursingjournal/Abstract/publishahead/Constructing_Recovery_Narratives__Experiences_and.99772.aspxBower, K. L., Kemp, C. L., Burgess, E. O. & J. L. Atkinson (2018): Complexity of care: Stressors and
strengths among low-income mother-daughter dyads, Journal of Women & Aging
https://doi.org/10.1080/08952841.2018.1537689 (Available online in advance of print)Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Doyle, P. J., Burgess, E. O, & Perkins, M. M. (2018). Maneuvering Together, Apart, and at Odds: Residents’ Care Convoys in Assisted Living. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 73(4), e13-e23.
Burgess, E. O., Bender, A. A., Barmon, C., Moorhead, J. M., & Perkins, M. M. (2018) ‘That is So Common Everyday. . . Everywhere You Go’: Sexual Harassment of Workers in Assisted Living." Journal of Applied Gerontology. 34 (4) 397-418.
Bender, A. A., Burgess, E. O., & Barmon, C. (2017) Negotiating the lack of intimacy in assisted living: Resident desires, barriers, and strategies. Journal of Applied Gerontology. DOI:10.1177/0733464817746756 (Published online in advance of print)
Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Doyle, P. J., Burgess, E. O., Dillard, J., Barmon, C. B., Fitzroy,
A. F., Helmly, V. E., & Avent, L., & Perkins, M. M. (2017) Exposing the backstage: Critical reflections on a longitudinal study of residents’ care networks in assisted living. Qualitative Health Research, 27 (8) 1109-1202.Barmon, C., Burgess, E. O., Bender, A. A., & Moorhead, J. M. (2017) “Understanding Sexual
Freedom and Autonomy in Assisted Living: Discourse of Residents’ Rights According to Administrators and Staff.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 72 (3), 457-467. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbw068Lorio, A. K., Gore J. B., Warthen L., Housley S. N., & Burgess E. O. (2016) Teaching Dementia Care
to Physical Therapy Doctoral Students: A Multimodal Experiential Learning Approach.
Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 38 (3), 313-324. DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2015979†Palder, A., Baunach, D. M., & Burgess, E. O. (2015). Social Networks and Sexual Attitudes among
American College Students. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5 (9), 14-28.†Brown, M., Baunach, D. M., & Burgess, E. O. (2015). Sexual Disclosure among College Students in the
American Deep South: Toward a "Sexuality as Structure" Approach. Journal of Child and
Adolescent Behavior, 3 (4). doi: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000227Burgess, E. O. & Baunach, D. M. (2014). Heterosexual allies? Understanding heterosexuals’ alliance
with the gay community. Sexuality & Culture, 18, 936-958. doi: 10.1007/s12119-014-9230-9†Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Burgess, E. O., & Wu, J. (2013) The effects of Tai Chi exercise on cognitive
function of older adults: A meta analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2, 193-203.†Sandhu, N. K., Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Burgess, E. O., & Perkins, M. M. (2013). Coming together
and pulling apart: Exploring the influences of functional status on co-resident relationships in
Assisted Living. Journal of Aging Studies. 27(4):317-29. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2013.07.001Banauch, D. M. & Burgess, E. O. (2013). Sexual Identities in the South: Concordance and Discordance
of Sexual Activity, Relationships and Identities. Journal of Homosexuality. 60 (9), 1315-
1335. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2013.806179Baunach, D. M. & Burgess, E. O. (2013). HIV/AIDS Prejudice in the American Deep South.
Sociological Spectrum, 33:175-195. doi:10.1080/02732173.2013.732878†Foster, V., Clark, P.C., Holstad, M.M., & Burgess, E. O. (2012). Factors Associated With Risky Sexual
Behaviors in Older Adults. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 23(6), 487-499.
doi:10.1016/j.jana.2011.12.008†Baunach, D.M., Burgess, E. O. and Muse, C. (2010). Southern (Dis)Comfort: Sexual
Prejudice and Contact with Gay Men and Lesbians in the South. Sociological
Spectrum, 30 (1):30-64. doi: 10.1080/02732170903340893Donnelly, D. and Burgess, E. O. (2008). The decision to remain in an involuntary celibate relationship.
Journal of Marriage and Families, 70 (2), 519-535. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2008.00498.x†King, S.V., Burgess, E. O., Akinyela, M., Counts-Spriggs, M. & Parker, N. (2006). The Religious
Dimensions of the Grandparent Role in Three-generation African American Households. Journal
of Religion, Spirituality, & Aging, 19 (1): 75-96. doi:10.1300/J496v19n01_06†King, S.V., Burgess, E. O., Akinyela, M., Counts-Spriggs, M. & Parker, N. (2005). “Your body is
God’s temple:” The spiritualization of health beliefs in multigenerational African American
Families. Research on Aging, 27 (4), 420-440. doi: 10.1177/0164027505276315Bonnesen, J. and Burgess, E. O. (2004). ’Senior Moments:’ The acceptability of an ageist phrase.
Journal of Aging Studies, 18 (2), 123-142. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2004.01.008†Burgess, E. O., Donnelly, D., Dillard, J., and R. Davis. (2001) “Surfing for Sex: Studying Involuntary
Celibacy Using the Internet.” Sexuality and Culture, 5, 5-29. doi: 10.1007/s12119-001-1028-x†Donnelly, D., Burgess, E. O., Anderson, S, Davis, R., & J. Dillard. (2001) “Involuntary Celibacy: A
Life Course Analysis.” Journal of Sex Research, 38, 159-169. doi: 10.1080/00224490109552083Reprinted in: Chibucos, T. R. & R.W. Leite. (Eds.) (2005) Readings in Family Theory. Sage.
Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds.) (2004). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader. New
York: Allyn & Bacon.Bengtson, V.L., Burgess, E. O., & Parrott, T. M. (1997). Theory, Explanation, and A Third
Generation of Theoretical Developments in the Social Gerontology. Journal of
Gerontology, Social Sciences, 52B:S72-S88. doi: 10.1093/geronb/52B.2.S72Reprinted in: Infeld, D.L. (Ed.). 2002. Disciplinary Approaches to Aging. Volume Three:
Sociology of Aging. New York: Routledge.Bengtson, V. L., Parrott, T. M. & Burgess, E. O. (1996). Progress and Pitfalls in Gerontological
Theorizing. The Gerontologist, 36:768-772. doi: 10.1093/geronb/52B.2.S72Books/Monographs: († indicates student author involvement)
Stombler, M., Baunach, D. M., Burgess, E. O., Simonds, W., & Windsor, E. J. & (Eds) (2019). Sex
Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Fifth Edition. W.W. Norton.Stombler, M., Baunach, D. M., Simonds, W., Windsor, E. J. & Burgess, E. O. (Eds) (2014). Sex Matters:
The Sexuality and Society Reader, Fourth Edition. W.W. Norton.Stombler, M., Baunach, D. M., Burgess, E. O., Donnelly, D., & Simonds, W. (Eds.) (2010). Sex Matters:
The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third Edition. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Stombler, M., Baunach, D. M., Burgess, E. O., Donnelly, D. & Simonds, W. (Eds) (2007). Sex Matters:
The Sexuality and Society Reader, Second Edition. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Stombler, M., Baunach, D., Burgess, E. O., Donnelly, D. & Simonds, W. (Eds.) (2004). Sex Matters:
The Sexuality and Society Reader. New York: Allyn & Bacon.Book Chapters: († indicates student author involvement)
Windsor, E. J. & Burgess, E. O. (2010). “Sex Matters: Future Visions for a Sex-Positive Society.” In
Stombler et al. (Eds.) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third Edition. New York:
Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Revised and Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds) 2014. Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society
Reader, Fourth Edition. W.W. NortonRevised and Reprinted as: Windsor, E. J., Suryawan, J., & Burgess, E. O. in Stombler et al. (Eds)
2019. Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Fifth Edition. W.W. NortonDonnelly, D., Burgess, E. O. & Simonds, W. (2007). “Sexuality and Social Theorizing.” In Stombler et
al. (Eds) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Second Edition. New York: Allyn & BaconReprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds.). (2010) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third
Edition. New York: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds.). (2014) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader,
Fourth Edition. W.W. Norton.Burgess, E. O. (2004). “Sexuality in Mid- to Later Life Couples.” Pp 437-454 in J. Harvey, S. Sprecher,
& A. Wenzel. (Eds). Handbook of Sexuality in Close Relationships. Lawrence Erlbaum.Bengtson, V.L., Burgess, E. O., Parrott, T.M., & J. B. Mabry. (2001). Ingenting är mer praktiskt
användbart än en god teori. (trans: Nothing is so practically useful as a good theory) In L.
Andersson. (Ed.) Socialgerontologi. Sweden: Studentlitteratur.Reprinted: Bengtson, V.L., Burgess, E.O., Parrott, T.M., & J. B. Mabry. Ingenting är mer
praktiskt användbart än en god teori. (trans: Nothing is so practically useful as a good theory). In
L. Andersson. (Ed.) (2013) Socialgerontologi, 2nd edition. Sweden: Studentlitteratur.Burgess, E.O., Schmeeckle, M. & Bengtson, V. L. (1998) “Aging Individuals and Societal Contexts.”
In I.H. Norhus, S. Berg, G. VandenBos, & P. Fromholt (Eds.) Clinical Geropsychology.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.Reports and Other Writings: († indicates student author involvement)
Burgess, E. O., Bender, A. A., & Barmon, C. (2017). Think you are not having enough sex? Try being a
senior in assisted living. The Conversation. (February 13, 2017).https://theconversation.com/think-youre-not-having-enough-sex-try-being-a-senior-in-assistedliving-
72920 (Reposted over 20 times to other news and websites)Burgess, E. O., Bender, A. A., & Barmon, C. (2016). Understanding Sexual Freedom and Autonomy in
Assisted Living. OUP (Oxford University Press) Blog. (October 3, 2016).
https://blog.oup.com/2016/10/sexual-freedom-assisted-living/Kemp, C. L , Ball, M. M., Perkins, M. M., Morgan, J.C., Burgess, E. O., Doyle, P. J. & Dillard, J. (2016)
“Wave One Report: Convoys of Care: Developing Care Partnerships in Assisted Living”
Gerontology Institute, Georgia State University. Available:
https://gerontology.gsu.edu/document/full-wave-one-research-report/?wpdmdl=4624&ind=1587846015293†Barmon, C., Bender, A. & Burgess, E. O. (2014) “Grandma Does WHAT!?: Talking With Older Adults
About Sex.” In Stombler et al. (Eds) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Fourth
Edition. W.W. Norton.Revised and Reprinted in: In Stombler et al. (Eds) (2019). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and
Society Reader, Fifth Edition. W.W. Norton.†Burgess, E. O. & Palder, A. (2010). “The G-Spot and other Mysteries.” In Stombler et al. (Eds.) Sex
Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third Edition. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds) (2014). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Fourth
Edition. New York: W.W. Norton.Revised and Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds) (2094). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society
Reader, Fifth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton.†Cavalier, E. & Burgess, E. O. (2010). “Too Young to Consent.” In Stombler et al. (Eds.) Sex Matters:
The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third Edition. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Revised and Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds) (2014). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society
Reader, Fourth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton.Revised and Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds) (2019). Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society
Reader, Fifth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton.Burgess, E. O. (2007). “Genital Cutting.” In Stombler et al. (Eds.) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and
Society Reader, Second Edition. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Reprinted in: Stombler et al. (Eds.) (2010) Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader, Third
Edition. New York: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.Baunach, D. M. & Burgess, E. O. (1999). “Sociology in Our Local Bookstores: The Georgia State
University Perspective” Contemporary Sociology, 28:146-47.Burgess, E. O. (1998). “Studying Aging and Social Change: Conceptual and Methodological Issues.
Edited by Melissa A. Hardy. Book Review.” Contemporary Gerontology, 5 (1): 27-28.Professional Presentations: (Since 2004)
Morgan, J.C., Burgess, E. O., Barmon, S, & Kemp, C. L. (2019). Building Cohesive Convoys:
Improving Stability and Preparedness of Direct Care Workers in Assisted Living. Paper
presented at the Annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, November in
Austin, MA.Ciofi, J. Kemp, C. L., Bender, A., Burgess, E. O., Morgan, J. C., Epps, F., Doyle, P., & Perkins,
M. M. (2019). Meaningful Engagement and Quality of Life among Assisted Living
Residents with Dementia: Emergent Findings. Poster Presented at the Annual meetings of
the Gerontological Society of America, November in Austin, MA.Kemp, C.L., Lesandrini, J., Webb, C., Burgess, E.O., & Morgan, J.C. (2019) Everyday Ethics
and the Unseen Moral Landscape of Assisted Living. Poster Presented at the Annual
meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, November in Austin, MA.Morgan, J.C., Burgess, E.O., & McRea, K. (2019). Building Resources for Person Centered Care
in Georgia’s Nursing Homes. Presentation at the annual meetings of the Georgia
Gerontology Society, Lake Oconee, Georgia.Morgan, J.C., Barmon, C., Burgess, E.O., & Kemp, C.L. (June 2019) Negotiating tensions in
paid care work: Quality care and quality jobs. Paper presentation. Global Carework
Summit, Toronto, Canada.Kemp, C.L., Ball, M.M., Burgess, E.O., Morgan, J.C., & Perkins, M.M. (May 2019). “Every
Family is Different”: Convoys of Care in Assisted Living. Symposium presentation.
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – European Region,
Gothenburg, Sweden.Morgan, J.C., Barmon, C., Burgess, E.O., & Kemp, C.L. (April 2019) Understanding the
Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Care Workers in Assisted Living in Supporting
Resident Quality of Life. Paper presentation. Southern Gerontological Society Annual
Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, USA.Rosenberg, E., Rowles, G.D., & Burgess, E. O. (2019) Adapt or Perish: A Constructive
Darwinian Look at the Present and Future of Gerontological Education. Southern
Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, USA.Karjit, A., Joshi, N. Adabale, O., Morgan, J.C., & Burgess, E. O. (2019). Creating a Survey
Process for Benchmarking Person-Centered Care in Nursing Homes. Poster presentation.
Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, USA.Bhattacharyya, K., Burgess, E. O., & Morgan, J.C. (2019). Alternative therapies in Person-
Centered Care for Persons with Dementia in Nursing Homes. Paper presentation.
Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, USA.Burgess, E. O., Barmon, C., Misaro, J. & Bender. A. A. (April, 2019) “Attitudes toward
dementia and sexuality in Assisted Living” . Paper presentation. Southern Gerontological
Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL, USA.Burgess, E. O. (April, 2019) “Adapt or Perish: A Darwinian Look at Gerontology Education”
Symposium. Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL,
USA.Bhattacharyya, K.K., Morgan, J.C., Burgess, E. O. & Simonds, W. (April 2019). “Alternative
therapies in person-centered care for persons with dementia in nursing homes”. Paper
presentation. Southern Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Miramar Beach, FL,
USA.Simonds, W., Burgess, E. O., and Kramer, L. (February. 2019) “Aging in Academia: Feminist
Issues” Workshop for the 2019 mid-year meetings of the Sociologists for Women in
Society in Denver, CO.Fitzroy, A. F., Kemp, C.L., & Burgess, E. O. (2018). Gender, Intimacy, and Care Relationships
in Assisted Living. Paper Presented at the Annual meetings of the Gerontological
Society of America, November 15-18 in Boston, MA.Kemp, C. L., Burgess, E. O., Doyle, P., Morgan, J.C., Ball, M. M., & Perkins, M. M. (2018).
Quality of Life in the Context of Dementia Care in Assisted Living: The Lived
Experience. Paper Presented at the Annual meetings of the Gerontological Society of
America, November 15-18 in Boston, MA.Perkins, M. M., Kemp, C.L.., Ball, M. M., Burgess, E. O., Fitzroy, A. & Hollingsworth, C.
(2018). Assisted Living Residents’ Informal Care Convoys: A Focus on Non-Traditional
Helpers. Paper Presented at the International Sociology Association. July in Toronto,
Canada.Fitzroy, A. F., Kemp, C.L., & Burgess, E. O. (2018). The Intimacy of Care: Intimate Care
Relationships in Assisted Living. Paper Presented at Southern Gerontological Society,
April 11-14 in Lake Lanier, Georgia.Burgess, E. O., Kemp, C.L, Appel, J.A., Lee, L. Torres-Pomales, A., & Belton, N. (2018). “It
takes a village”: Quality of Care and Life in Assisted Living. Paper Presented at Southern
Gerontological Society, April 11-14 in Lake Lanier, Georgia.Burgess, E. O. & Morgan, J.C. (2018) Linking Gerontology Students with the Community:
Preparing the Student for Careers through Dynamic Partnerships. Paper presented annual
conference of Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. March 1-3 in Atlanta
Georgia.Mingo, C. A. & Burgess, E. O. (2018) Strategies for infusing Gerontology Education within
University Curriculum in the State of Georgia. Paper presented annual conference of
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. March 1-3 in Atlanta Georgia.Simonds, W., Burgess, E.O., & Kramer, L. (2018) “Feminist Sociology and Ageism”
Symposium at the annual conference of Sociologists for Women and Society, January 25-
27, Atlanta, Georgia.Bender, A. A. & Burgess, E.O.(2017). Chaos and Continuity: Constructing Narratives of
Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury, Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Social
Problems Annual Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 12-15, 2017.Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Doyle, P. J., Burgess, E. O., & Perkins, M. M. (2017). Family
involvement is the key: Informal care in assisted living. Paper presented at the IAGG World
Congress in Gerontology. July 2017, San Francisco, CAKemp, C. L., Burgess, E. O., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Fitzroy, A. F., Dillard, J. A., & Perkins, M. M.
(2017). Quality of Care and Life in Assisted Living: What Matters Most to Whom. Paper
presented at the IAGG World Congress in Gerontology. July 2017, San Francisco, CAFitzroy, A., Kemp, C. L., & Burgess, E. O. (2017). The Significance of Intimacy and Intimate
Relationships in Assisted Living. Poster Presentation at the IAGG World Congress in
Gerontology. July 2017, San Francisco, CA.Bender, A.A., Burgess, E. O. & Barmon (2017) “There are no Nice Men Here”: The Gendered Context of
Repartnership in Assisted Living. Poster presentation at 21st IAGG World Congress of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, July 2017, San Francisco, CA.Bender, A. A. & Burgess, E.O. (2017). “If I Gotta Do It”: Examining Couples' Caregiving Trajectories
Following Spinal Cord Injury. Poster presentation at 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology
and Geriatrics, July 2017, San Francisco, CA.Barmon, C., Burgess, E. O., & Bender, A. A. (2017). Sex and Dementia in Assisted Living: Careworker
Concerns. Paper presented at the Global Carework Summit. (June 1-3, 2017) Lowell, MA.Bender, A. A. & Burgess, E.O. “We’re doing it by the book”: Learning Care Following
Spinal Cord Injury. Paper presented at the Global Carework Summit. (June 1-3, 2017) Lowell,
MA.Bender, A., Burgess, E. O., & Barmon, C. (2017). Residents’ Perceptions and Experiences of Desire and
Opportunity for Companionship in Assisted Living. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of
the Southern Gerontological Society, April 2017, Asheville, NC.Burgess, E. O. (2017). Sexual Harassment of Direct Care Workers. Paper presented for Symposium on
Workforce Issues in Low Wage Work: Job Quality and Working Conditions at the Annual
Meetings of the Southern Gerontology Society, April 2017, Asheville, NC.Stephenson, E. Morgan, J.C., Mingo, C., & Burgess, E. O. (2017). Age and Perceptions of Access to
Transportation and Health Care Resources. Paper presented at the Southern Gerontological
Society, Asheville NCMingo, C. A., Burgess, E. O., Ewen, H., Manning, L., & Carr, D. (2017). Career Development
Mentorship among Gerontology Doctoral Students GELS. Paper presentation at the Annual
Meetings of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 2017, Miami, FL.Burgess, E. O., Morgan, J. C., & Kemp, C. L. (2017). Preparing for Careers in Gerontology: Aligning
Educational and Employment Outcomes. Presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Association
for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 2017, Miami, FL.Bower, K., Kemp, C. L., & Burgess, E. O. (2016). International Perspectives on the Impact of Informal
Caregiving in Different Subgroups of Caregivers. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the
Gerontological Society of America, November 2016, New Orleans, LA.†Fitzroy, A., Kemp, C.L., & Burgess, E. O. (2016). “We Might Be Old, But We’re Still Here”:
Understanding Intimacy and Care in Assisted Living. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of
the Gerontological Society of America, November 2016, New Orleans, LA.†Perkins, M. M., Kemp, C. L., Burgess, E. O., Ball, M. M., & Fitzroy, A. (2016). Assisted Living
Residents’ Informal Care Networks: A Focus on Non-Traditional Helpers. Paper presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, November 2016, New Orleans, LA.Morgan, J.C. & Burgess, E.O. (2016). Gerontology Education: Aligning Educational and Employment
Outcomes. Paper accepted for presentation at Annual Meetings of the Georgia Gerontological
Society, August 2016, Jekyll Island, Georgia.Kemp, C.L., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J.C., Doyle, P.J., Burgess, E. O., & Perkins, M.M.. (2016). “I See
Myself as Part of a Larger Team”: Understanding Variability in the Structure and Role of
Residents’ Care Convoys in Assisted Living. Paper Presentation at the British Society of
Gerontology, 45th Annual Conference, University of Stirling (Scotland).Kemp, C.L., Ball, M.M., Morgan, J.C., Doyle, P.J. Burgess, E. O., & Perkins, M.M. (2016). Convoys of
Care: Reflections on a Methodologically Complex Study. (74649) The Research Committees
session "Reflections on Qualitative Research Methods Used in Family Sociology" (6628) at the
Third ISA Forum of Sociology (July 10-14, 2016). Vienna, Austria.†Stephenson, E. & Burgess, E. O. (2016). Maintaining older women’s sexual health as they age –
barriers to success. Presentation for Southeastern Student Mentoring Conference in Gerontology
and Geriatrics, April 2016, Pensacola, FL.†Kemp, C.L., Ball, M. M., Morgan, J.C., Perkins, M.M., Doyle, P.J., Burgess, E. O., Dillard, J.A., Avent,
E., Barmon, C.E., Fitzroy, A. F., Helmly, V. E., & Yoder, D. (2016). Understanding Care
Convoys and Partnerships in Assisted Living. Presidential Symposium for Southern
Gerontological Society Annual Meeting, Charlottesville, VA. April, 2016.Burgess, E. O., Atkinson, J. L., & Blackwell, B. (2015). Situating Age in Newspaper Accounts of Elder
Abuse: Examining How the Language of Age and Aging Perpetuates Ageist Beliefs about Elder
Crime. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America,
Orlando, FL, November, 2015.†Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Perkins, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Doyle, P. J., Burgess, E. O, Dillard, J.,
Helmly, V. E., Barmon, C. B., Fitzroy, A., & Yoder, D. (2015). Convoys of care: A framework
for understanding the evolving health care context in assisted living. Preconference workshop
presentation. Gerontological Society of America 68th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA.†Barmon, C., Burgess, E. O., Moorhead, J.M., & Bender, A. A. (2015). Sexual Freedom and Autonomy
in Assisted Living Facilities. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American
Sociological Society, Chicago, IL. August 2015.Burgess, E. O., Ricci, L., & Morgan, J. M. (2015).Gerontology Education in Georgia: Understanding
Key Competencies and Value. Symposium presented at the Annual Meetings of the Georgia
Gerontological Society, Young Harris, GA, August 2015.†Avent, E., Rozefort, A., & Burgess, E. O. (2015). Invisible Abuse: Understanding the significance of
Elder Abuse. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Georgia Gerontological Society,
Young Harris, GA, August 2015.Morgan, J. C., Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Perkins, M. M., Doyle, P. J., & Burgess, E. O. (2015).
Translating Findings to Practice: Creating and maintaining formal and informal care partnerships
in assisted living. Paper presented at presented at the Annual Meetings of the Georgia
Gerontological Society, Young Harris, GA, August 2015†Kemp, C. L., Ball, M. M., Perkins, M. M., Morgan, J. C., Burgess, E. O., & Fitzroy, A. (2015). Later-
Life Couples’ Care Convoys in Assisted Living. Paper presentation. Aging Families/Changing
Families: An International Conference (meeting of the International Sociological Associations
Research Committees on Aging (RC6) and Family (RC11), Syracuse, NY, USA.†Burgess, E. O., Barmon, C., Moorhead, J. M., & Perkins, M. M. (2015). Worker Harassment in Assisted
Living. Paper presented at the Southern Gerontological Society Meetings in Williamsburg, VA,
April 2015.Kemp, C.L., Ball, M., Perkins, M., Morgan, J.C., Doyle, P., & Burgess, E.O. (2015). Convoys of Care in
Assisted Living: From Theory to Practice. Symposium presented at Southern Gerontological
Society Meetings in Williamsburg, VA, April 2015.Burgess, E. O. Glass, A., Watkins, J. F. & Poon, L. (2015). Mentoring Future Gerontologists: The
history and impact of twenty-five years of the Southeastern Student Mentoring Conference in
Gerontology and Geriatrics. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Association of
Gerontology in Higher Education in Nashville, TN, February 2015.†Burgess, E.O., Bender, A.A., & C. Barmon. (2013). “It’s like being in a dormitory”: Negotiating
repartnership in assisted living. Presentation at the annual meetings of the Southern
Gerontontological Society, April 2013, Charlotte, NC.Atkinson, J.L., Blackwell, B. & E. O. Burgess. (2013). “Young vs. Old: Is Elder Fraud Framed as
Intergenerational or Familial Warfare?” Presentation at the annual meetings of the Southern
Gerontontological Society, April 2013, Charlotte, NC.Blackwell, B. Atkinson, J. L., & E. O. Burgess. (2013). Understanding the media portrayal of gender and
elder fraud. Presentation at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, April 2013,
Atlanta, GABender, A.A. & E. O. Burgess. (2012). “My Work is Cut out for Me”: The Transition into the
Caregiving Relationship. Paper presentation at Society for the Study of Social Problems, Annual
Meeting, August 15-18 in Denver, CO.Cumming, C. & Burgess, E.O. (2012). The 21st Century Gerontologist: A GSU Perspective on the rising
tide of students training in gerontology entering the workforce. Paper presentation at Georgia
Gerontology Society, Annual Meeting, August 12-15, St. Simon’s Island. Georgia.