Rebecca Ellis
Program Coordinator Kinesiology and Health- Education
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Florida
Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Florida
Bachelor of Arts, Oglethorpe University
- Specializations
Psychology of Physical Activity
- Biography
The primary research objective for Rebecca Ellis is to understand and promote physical activity to improve quality of life for people who are most at risk for inactive lifestyles.
One focus area of her research is the study of theory-based correlates of physical activity. She has examined the psychological correlates of physical activity using the theory of planned behavior, the transtheoretical model, and an integrative model of the two theories with several at-risk populations including women, adolescents, and adults with physical disabilities.
Another focus area of her research is the development, testing, and validation of outcome measures and interventions to promote physical activity in at-risk populations.
Primarily, her focus has been on measures of physical activity, health-related quality of life and falls risk.
- Publications
Ellis, R., Kosma, M., Fabre, J. M., Moore, D. S., & Wood, R. H. (2013). Proximal determinants of falls risk among independent-living older adults. Research on Aging, 35(4), 420-436. doi:10.1177/0164027512446940. Published online May 16, 2012.
Ellis, R., Kosma, M., & Symons Downs, D. (2013). Moderators of youth exercise intention and behavior. Health Education & Behavior, 40(3), 305-310. doi:10.1177/1090198112441000. Published online July 5, 2012.
Kosma, M., Ellis, R., & Bauer, J. J. (2012). Longitudinal changes in psychosocial constructs and physical activity among adults with physical disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 5, 1-8.
Moore, D. S., Ellis, R., Kosma, M., Fabre, J. M., McCarter, K. S., & Wood, R. H. (2011). Comparison of the validity of four fall-related psychological measures in a community-based falls risk screening. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(3), 545-554.
Antikainen, I. E., & Ellis, R. (2011). A RE-AIM evaluation of theory-based physical activity interventions. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33(2), 198-214.